As my job search continues I have found that I need breaks from my job of job searching. Job Job Job Job. This runs through my head constantly. Everyone I talk to asks about it and although I accept that this is the way adults begin conversations, "So, what do you do?" "How is the job search?" "What are you looking to do?" I still cringe every time. The last of these is the hardest of course. I went to school as a Philosophy Major with an Ethnic Studies Minor. This is not conducive to a specialized job search. The truth is, I don't know what I want to do. I have no idea.
This time is not the best time to find a job either. With the holidays and the economy, there are not many people excited to hire right now. But alas, I will keep trying.
The Babes
9 years ago
i love you my sister and my fingers are crossed hard for you. five more years...
Remember, my little one, right now you are looking for a job, not a career. Think of it as finding someone new date, not as finding the man you want to marry. The former CAN lead to the latter, and you can't get to the latter without going through the former, but all you need now is the former. You may kiss a few frogs before you find your prince charming, but if you never kiss them you'll never find him.
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