Today I decided to explore a little. I Thought I should get out after my earlier fiasco and burn off some steam. Alright, I wasn't that angry about the hoax but I sure was tired of staring this computer screen of mine.
I got all suited up to go for a run and took off down the road. After running for a really really long time...I came upon a small supermarket and I needed a few things. Let me just say Klein's Supermarket on Fairmount and 24th is really a great little place. I was in there just a short time and I had at minimum 3 different staff people greet me with a friendly hello. Perhaps I was more noticeable due to my sweaty appearance but all the more reason to avoid me I would think. I found everything I needed and began my trek back home.
I looked Klein's up online when I got home and found they have been in business since 1892 and are currently run by a 4th generation of brothers. Their website is great with updates on what produce is coming in and from where.
Ok, also while poking around on my computer...avoiding writing wedding thank you notes this time...I watched two videos which are personal favorites of mine. I hope you will enjoy them too.
First: Roomba Driver
Second: I like to call this MANAAAYUNK
I have seen this video many times and when driving through Manayunk the other evening it was all I could hear in my head.
The Babes
9 years ago
Well, blogs may be passé (according to Wired magazine), but I'll follow this one anyway. Re: employment - think networking locally. Talk to your cat-sitter friend (no names here) and perhaps your friends who are moving back from New Jersey. They may have ideas. You never know what might turn up.
Oh yea, also your landlord. (S)he has a vested interest in your solvency. Just let her know you're looking and give him/her a general sense of what you're interested in.
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